When it comes to destination charging for electric vehicles, charging points can be found on the grid in large cities and towns that are connected to the infrastructure. This is great for people who may not drive long distances or keep to driving within cities; but what about those who drive or live in more remote areas? Mobile battery storage chargers could easily solve this issue. Our mission is to put it on the map as a viable option.
Here at Elite Vehicle Charging; we understand how providing an electricity supply to charge your car can either be expensive, impossible, or both. EV drivers often feel neglected when driving in remote locations. They’re constantly having to plan their journey to ensure there’s a rapid charging station available. Electric car charging shouldn’t be this difficult, especially with the demand increasing. Read our article below to see how we can solve the conundrum surrounding a lack of infrastructure.
Mobile Charging; No More Endless Searching
Destination chargers that are connected to the grid are usually found in public car parks and charging stations in heavily populated areas, such as towns and cities. Remote locations are often left out in the cold. In order to charge at home, they may need solar-powered renewable energy to charge their car. Battery storage chargers are perfect for off-the-grid locations, and can even solve the range anxiety that many EV drivers have.
Many drivers are put off by the idea of electric vehicles due to fears of range. By providing more mobile charging stations, these worries would quickly disappear. We hope to end the anxiety-inducing search for a charging point; battery storage chargers are the perfect choice for off-the-grid locations. Mobile car charging is often overlooked but is a great way to accommodate EV drivers who live in more remote locations.
Staying Connected
As the demand for electric vehicles increases, the number of EV chargers available needs to match this momentum. Many drivers have to plan their routes carefully by using apps such as Zap-Map in order to make sure that they never run out of charge on long journeys. Petrol and diesel drivers don’t have to worry about this, as there are service stations scattered around the country. EV drivers don’t have the luxury in remote areas, but our battery storage chargers aim to end the dilemma once and for all.
We can deploy our mobile car chargers to off-the-grid locations, and we even hire them out to events such as car shows and music festivals. This not only keeps EV drivers connected but accommodates them; providing them with a service that petrol and diesel drivers don’t necessarily have to worry about.
Our Destination Charging Services
The infrastructure conundrum is still an issue for EV drivers. With the demand rapidly increasing, it’s never been more important to match this demand and solve the dilemma once and for all. Here at Elite Vehicle Charging; we can deploy battery storage mobile chargers to off-the-grid locations across the country, including destination charging and events. Battery storage can help solve the infrastructure dilemma efficiently and effectively, accommodating EV drivers in all four corners of the country.
If you would like to hire our mobile charging services, or you would like more information, please do give us a call on 0800 702 2661.