Which Cities Have Strict Carbon Emission Plans in the UK?

Each year, the CDP (a not-for-profit charity) releases their cities A-list. This includes cities which have EV charge points throughout the city and are making more renewable choices in society. Last year’s list had twice as many cities as 2020 did and it only shows that 2022 will be no exception.

Here are just a few cities that are striving to become net-zero in the future. What we mean by net-zero is the balance between greenhouse gas emissions going in and being removed from the atmosphere. It does not mean zero emissions altogether, as this is near to impossible in some locations. However, it means giving back what has been taken; through planting trees and carbon storage technology.


Edinburgh (New Addition)

Edinburgh is the only Scottish city on this year’s CDP Cities A-List. The City Council has pledged to achieve net-zero emissions by 2030; 15 years ahead of Scotland’s national goal.

Edinburgh’s carbon emissions have decreased by more than 40% since 2005, and the City Council has proposed a number of initiatives to further decarbonize transportation, existing buildings, new buildings, and supply chains. A low-emission zone, as well as an expansion of the tram network and increasing investment in electric vehicle (EV) charging, walking, and cycling, are all planned for transportation.

Edinburgh has recently started to roll out more EV charge points to meet demand; including 41 rapid and fast charge points.



Newcastle, like Edinburgh, has a 2030 net-zero plan that includes various initiatives to drastically modify transportation in the city to create a “15-minute city.” Newcastle City Council is also working with businesses to establish infrastructure and incentive packages to enable individuals and businesses to switch to electric vehicles.

Plans to lower household energy consumption by 30% and install solar panels on 30% of homes and 60% of non-domestic properties are also discussed.

Currently, there are 20 areas in the city centre where EV charge points are available. These include a number of bays situated throughout Newcastle, highlighted with an ” Electric Vehicles Only” sign.


Greater Manchester (New Addition)

In 2018, Greater Manchester Combined Authority established a net-zero target with a 2038 deadline. More than six months before the UK Government legislated for net-zero by 2050.

Building on this promise, the local government announced last year that by 2028, all new buildings in the city region must have net-zero emissions on an operational basis. In terms of existing structures, the city plans to remodel at least 60,000 residences with energy-saving technology per year by 2038.

Moving towards greener energy solutions, the council has partnered with Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) to establish a range of EV charge points connected through a city hub. This includes a £1.3 billion investment for more electric vehicle chargers to be installed on-street and near homes and workplaces.



At Elite EV Charge, we have previously talked about the mayor’s intention on moving towards carbon-free solutions; including setting up a road charge for petrol and diesel cars.

Originally, London’s goal was for 2050 to be net-zero. However, the capital has since moved it forward to the year 2030. So far, Sadiq Khan has undertaken decarbonisation actions such as introducing and expanding an Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and advocating greener energy solutions for homes.


But, are there enough EV charge points to meet demand? Experts have said that there need to be at least 300,000 charger stations to meet the demand of becoming net-zero by 2030. And, portable EV charge points are a simple solution. This way, EV drivers are still helping lower the planet’s carbon footprint. As well as avoiding large queues at public charging stations.


Elite Electric Vehicle

Elite EV Charge provides temporary and permanent portable EV charge points for vehicles all over the UK. Whether this is destination charging or hiring charge points for events; we advocate the use of portable EV chargers to help lower the planet’s carbon footprint. One charger at a time.

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